A new automatic lubrication system for industrial cutting
Many industrial processes require proper lubrication to ensure optimal operation: this is the case, for example, with machinery used for cutting various types of materials. An automatic lubrication system controls the timing and quantity of lubricant dispensed while the machine is in operation.
The following project demonstrates how an effective lubrication system reduces consumption and optimizes productivity.
The client
Fratelli Alberti Srl, a company founded in 1945, manufactures machines for cutting, splitting, and processing leather for the tanning industry. The quality of its products and its technological innovation have made it an international benchmark in the sector. A long-standing client of Interfluid for pneumatic material supplies, Fratelli Alberti reached out to us in this case to optimize the lubrication of their leather cutting machines, as well as those used for new thermoplastic materials, aiming to improve precision and operational efficiency.
Operational lubrication challenges in leather processing
Nella lavorazione del pellame, lo smussamento dei bordi (cioè la riduzione dello spessore) rappresenta una fase delicata, in particolare con l’utilizzo dei nuovi materiali termoplastici: la lama circolare che taglia e smussa il materiale tende a surriscaldarsi, quindi richiede una costante lubrificazione.
Inizialmente, Fratelli Alberti aveva implementato in autonomia un sistema a gocciolamento, ma questo approccio causava diversi problemi:
- Il materiale da lavorare si ungeva troppo a causa della quantità d’olio utilizzata;
- Anche la macchina veniva sporcata da questo gocciolamento eccessivo;
- L’olio in più rappresentava uno spreco economico importante.
Trovare una soluzione più efficiente era essenziale per migliorare la produttività dei macchinari.
In leather processing, edge beveling (i.e., reducing thickness) is a delicate phase, particularly when using new thermoplastic materials. The circular blade that cuts and bevels the material tends to overheat, requiring constant lubrication.
Initially, Fratelli Alberti implemented a drip system independently, but this approach caused several issues:
- the material being processed became overly greasy due to the excess oil used;
- the machine itself became soiled from the excessive dripping;
- the surplus oil represented a significant economic waste.
- finding a more efficient solution was essential to enhance the productivity of the machinery.
The new automatic lubrication system
As mentioned earlier, an industrial lubrication system ensures that every component of the machine receives the right amount of lubricant exactly when needed. This process is critical to reducing friction and wear, which are among the leading causes of machinery breakdowns and inefficiencies. With proper lubrication, machines operate more smoothly and efficiently, extending their lifespan and reducing maintenance downtime.
The new system needed to ensure proper lubrication while also addressing the issue of excessive dripping. Following preliminary analyses of the system, we implemented an innovative oil mist lubrication system that combines compressed air and oil. A specially designed terminal nozzle breaks the oil into fine droplets, creating the necessary mist to lubricate the machinery in operation.
Additionally, it was crucial to avoid dispersing oil particles into the air, as this would create unsafe conditions for the operator. Consequently, we applied a specialized nozzle that ensures very precise and targeted micro-misting on the circular blade, preventing an oily mist while ensuring optimal operation.
The results achieved with this lubrication system have been significant. More efficient lubricant usage reduced waste and lowered operational costs related to oil consumption. Thanks to precise and targeted lubrication, the cutting machines now operate more smoothly, with optimized performance and increased production continuity. Furthermore, a key collateral benefit was the reduction of oil mist, which improved safety conditions for operators, safeguarding their health.
A new standard in lubrication
Another significant strength of this solution is its simplicity. It is a standard control unit applied intelligently to address a critical issue. As a result, it is a solution that is perfectly scalable to other contexts and sectors without difficulty.
Once the system was fine-tuned, we tested the control unit at Fratelli Alberti's facility. Given the quality of the results, they proposed the new machine to their most demanding client, who was extremely satisfied. Consequently, Fratelli Alberti is now replacing this control unit on all its leather-cutting machines.
The productivity of their systems has been optimized to such an extent that this control unit has become the standard solution for Fratelli Alberti's installations.